Making a Metal Detecting Website
In an effort to get thoughts out of my head, and to have another project to alternate to and from, I’ve decided to make a website about metal detecting, I think.
In an effort to get thoughts out of my head, and to have another project to alternate to and from, I’ve decided to make a website about metal detecting, I think.
This Corona virus situation has been hard on a lot of people. What have I been up to, and is keeping busy the key to get through all of this?
I found a great solution to stop spam on my websites and forum. I talk about CleanTalk and why I think it is a good solution.
I’ve been stuck in a loop of looking at metal detectors. This post will hopefully get me out of that loop by talking about a couple of machines I like the look of.
2020 is here, time to reflect a little and think about the future.
A post where I talk about how I’m feeling recently.
An interesting time was had at Fieldays, from interesting concepts and great conversations.
I got a Kindle recently and really like it.
I find getting items printed one of the hardest things to work out.
It’s amazing to me where you can find pieces of rubbish. Why do people throw rubbish everywhere?
I decided to tidy up my website, find out what changed and why I did this.
I’ve had the urge to get outside and get into the bush, a combination of geocaching and not using Social Media might be the cause.