
CleanTalk – How to Stop Spam from Hammering your Website

Everyone knows how annoying spam is. How effective is it? I’m not sure, but the more they try and the more they put out there it must increase their chances of getting someone to click a link.

And while getting spam in your normal email address is annoying, what happens if you are getting it via your website?

Contact Forms Can be a Pain in the Ass

Websites have so many different parts, some things work OK, others get broken when you implement other elements and don’t get me started on plugins that break other plugins.

There are many different options for contact forms.

I find contact forms are easier for a visitor to fill out, doesn’t show your email address as easily as just listing it and I think they look good.

But spam is a problem. If your site gets popular spam will follow.

Most contact forms have some way of helping to stop spam, this usually involves something that proves you are human and stops the spammers. This could be a captcha form which I feel is now outdated, sometimes a pain to implement and is another step people have to go through to contact you.

A better solution – CleanTalk

One of my sites was getting hammered by spam emails, probably around 5 per day. I just took it as part of running a website. Mark as spam and delete the emails.

I also had a forum for a little bit, and that was a magnet for spammers signing up and posting on the board. I had a quick look for a solution and learned about a website called cleantalk.org.

I paid for 1 site initially and the pricing was really good. You can check it out here: https://cleantalk.org/price-anti-spam

I was only using the anti spam feature, but they also offer site security, ssl and other options.

Spam was Gone

And just like that, the spam on the message board was gone. I’m not really sure how it works, but it works.

You can log into the dashboard and see what it has stopped, review it if needed.

Added to Other Sites

It worked so well I wondered why I wasn’t using it for my other sites, especially the one that got hammered by spam.

I paid to cover all my sites and I haven’t received any spam since.

Mobile App

CleanTalk has a mobile app. It’s super basic, and it shows you your sites and how much spam they have stopped. If you click on the the numbers it will show you the spam they have stopped and if needed you can say this isn’t spam. So far I haven’t had to do this.

It’s great to be able to quickly check as it offers you piece of mind.

The app is super simple, and I think it is fine, it does what it needs to.

CleanTalk Summary

As with anything on my site I talk about, I only talk about things I really like and use myself. There is no affiliate link or anything like that, I just think this is a super useful product that works well.

Pricing is great and they have different levels depending on how many sites you have.

Installation for wordpress involves adding their plugin, and then pasting in a key from their website, and then it’s done.

So if you are having problems with spam with your website or forum check out CleanTalk.

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