
Remember to Focus

Lately, I’ve been having a hard time trying to stay focused. It’s not from wasting a lot of time consuming content. I haven’t really watched any videos, listened to podcasts, or watched much TV or movies. To be honest, it’s to do with just having too many things that I want to do.

There are projects and ideas and things cropping up all the time, and I’m trying to find that balance between figuring out what to work on, getting exercise in, and obviously going to work. It can be tough.

If you go to the projects page on the website, you can see all the different things that I’ve got on the go in one way or another. Now add in another three or four things that I don’t have listed, that for whatever reason I think is a good idea. It’s good to have variety, it’s good to have choices, but I think it’s not the best to be unfocused. I’m trying to work towards something that works for me. What that is, I’m not too sure just yet.

I was trying to think about only working on a certain thing on certain days, and then over time that means I’m working all together. Or do I block out a whole week or a couple of weeks and only work on one thing solidly, fully focused? That second one I find hard because things crop up all the time, like comments or people wanting information.

It’s a work in progress. I think it’s a thing that more and more people probably deal with, but I’m not sure. I do know people that do very little outside of work, it seems. I hope to have an update in the future about me being more focused.

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