Small Consistent Work Works

This past week while juggling a whole bunch of things I was thinking about how doing small things consistently can help you in different ways.

It works for work, health, and random projects. Is it something you should be doing?

Work Towards a Goal

If you are working towards a goal then it’s not a dream.

I’ve found people like saying things a lot of the time without any follow through.

Sometimes they may be venting, other times it seems as if just saying something aloud will make something happen.

But things don’t work like that, you need to start and keep working at whatever it is you want.

Small continuous work can help you get closer to the goal.

Break Things Down

One thing a lot of people get stuck on, and something I’ve been guilty of from time to time is thinking about the goal or thing you are trying to achieve and getting bogged down thinking about just how large it is.

Most things don’t happen overnight, remember that.

For every success story out there I’m sure there are many many hours out into achieving it.

I’m currently trying to be a healthier version of myself. I have a broad goal of what I want to achieve.

I’ll do another post about goal setting another day, but for now having an idea is just as good.

Do it When you Can

Everyone’s busy, or lazy or a combination of both. It doesn’t matter, it’s just how it is.

Do things when you can. It’s better than nothing. This blog post has come together over many different days. From sitting at the computer or adding to it on my phone when I have a spare minute or two.

If you do Nothing, Nothing Changes

If you do nothing at all, everything stays the same.

If you do some work towards whatever it is you are aiming for, then that is better than nothing.

Fitness is one of those things that takes time to see results. It can be hard to do something when either it doesn’t seem like much has changed or you don’t feel like it.

Back to my fitness journey, I’ve been trying to get fitter this year. The thing I have to remind myself is that it took many years of bad decisions or doing nothing to get to where I am now, so it will take a long time to get to where I want to go. It won’t happen overnight.

Doing small things each and every day like increasing how much I move, watching what I eat can help.


Work towards something, anything.

It’s better than doing nothing. Nothing leads to nothing. Doing something could lead to something awesome.

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