The end of year wrap up
This year has almost come to and end and it hasn’t felt like it has been going that fast really. But I do know that I have been feeling really tired.
Highlights from this year for me:
- I moved house
- I rebuilt the Op Shop website
- I changed web hosting provider
- We set up and incorporated society for the pumpkin carnival
- Set up this site properly
- Plus heaps of other little things that made this year awesome
There were some low lowlights as well, but you must move on looking forward to the future.
NZ Secret Santa happend again, it’s awesome to see the amount of people taking part and the fun that is had. I really like my gift, check it out.

2016 will be another busy year, with plans in place to push things further along. More work with the websites, more focus on the podcast and trying to be more productive.
I’ll be getting some more gear to help out with that, and will be sorting out my money a lot better in 2016, and I am going to be updating this blog more frequently. So there we go a bit of a wrap up for the year that was 2015, what awesome stuff did you manage to do this year? Let me know by leaving a comment below.