New Plymouth Trip
We just got back from a trip to New Plymouth.
The last time I wrote a post about a trip was in the winter of 2017, when we got stuck down south in a snowstorm.
I’m sure I’ve had other trips since then.
But, I thought mentioning them wasn’t worthy of a blog post. It’s better to write something smarter. Or more helpful.
After posting 1 photo from that trip on social media. I realised posting on here is more helpful. Helpful for me.
I really like visiting museums. Now I don’t spend hours and hours at them reading every single little info card.
But I take notice of things that interest me.
My favourite kind of museum is the ones that have random collections of things.
Like what can be found at TATATM(Taranaki Aviation Technology and Transport Museum)
It’s run by volunteers which are the best kind of museums. They are usually a mixture of hard case locals who know some things but not others.
Highlights for Me
Seeing old technology makes me happy. I’m not sure why. But it does.
From old telephones, to record players, machinery and more. I felt this museum had a good mix of everything without being too focused on one thing.
I liked there were a couple of things to do around the place. Like place a phone call to any of the other areas at the museum with their working telephone exchange.
Or the vacuum tube message system. Or the money by wire system that you could send flying across the room.
There were a lot of things I didn’t take photos of here. But well worth the visit if you are into this sort of thing.
We stopped in at Brooklands Zoo. A small council run zoo around a children’s playground.
It’s free to enter, and they had a pleasant mix of animals.
On the way down, we stopped at 3 sisters to take in the natural wonder when the tide was down.
Was great to have a break from driving and see it all.
In New Plymouth, we went to a photo spot to get a photo of Mt Taranaki. But were thwarted by the clouds.
Great Trip
As with good trips, a lot of it came down to planning and researching what there is to see and do.
We visited 2 other museums. None of which I took photos of. As well as some other landmarks in the area.
It was a good trip. I think to be fully satisfied we needed one more day there just to check out everything.