Do the Work – Book Review

Do the Work by Steven Pressfield is a book I recently finished and I really liked. So much so that I decided to write a little bit about it here, just in case it can help someone else.

Who is Steven Pressfield?

Steven is an author who has written some books about writing. He’s know for the war of art. Which from memory is a great book. In fact if you visit his website here, he recommends reading that book first.

His big theme is to overcome, tame or manage the resistance. 

Something that is very real for a lot of people, especially creative people wanting to create things.

Do the Work Book Summary

He says this should be the third book you read. After The War of Art, and Turning Pro, this book Do the Work takes the principles of the first two. Maybe I should have read Turning Pro, I will get around to it.

But do the work is short book that boils down the principle of the resistance and how to get over it and do the work.

It struck a chord with me and I think about it a lot. Not something that happens a lot after I have read a book.

It’s motivational in a way that isn’t preachy. It gives you solid grounding to think about what you are doing each day.

I recommend this book if you are stuck, wanting to do better or wanting to do more of the things you want to be doing.

Like I said, it’s a short book, so check it out.

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